Hello! Thank you for finding your way to my new website and blog! I hope you've lost yourself amongst my paintings in my gallery. If you haven't yet viewed them you can find the gallery here.
I've recently began painting full time this summer. It's been almost 40 years since I had publicly exhibited my work. I have been painting almost all my life, but nothing as consistent as I have recently. I purchased a house in order to build my studio in 2009. I had been longing to do so for the last few years, but as with many things in life, there was never a perfect time. I took a trip to England to visit my daughter and her family a few years ago and was amazed at the countryside and historic views. I took many photos while I was there along with my daughter. My eldest daughter, who is a professional photographer in England (you can find her work here) sent me her photographs for inspiration. I started off with the Port Issac Collection, which is the home page to my website. Port Issac is a beautiful little fishing village in the Southwestern coast of England. Its all so scenic-perfect for painting. It also happens to be the ancestral home to my now son-in-law's family, so the paintings hold more significance in that manner as well.
I build my paintings in stages. I usually have 6 to 10 paintings in progress at a time. This gives each stage time to dry so I can add more detail. I'll spend time in another blog post in the future discussing my work flow and technique. But know that this is how I typically work. I have been adding my works in progress to my Facebook page here and my Instagram account here, so if you are interested to see how my paintings look during construction go there and check them out.
For now I will leave you with that. Please do check out my new shop when you have some time. I will be adding more art in the following week or so and some special products especially for Valentine's Day.
Until next week!