Winter Morning
Everyday life has a way of slowing us down when necessary. I have not been posting lots of new work. It does not mean I am not painting. I always have anywhere from 10 - 20 paintings started at one time. It just means I am taking my time finishing. More winter scenes to come and other seasons. Enjoy!!!
Title: Winter Morning, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size :11 x 14 inches
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Spring Farm
Inspired by the changing weather. This spring scene makes feel there is a new beginning coming. Let's hope for the best year ever!
Title: SPRING FARM, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12 inches.
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Home Sweet Home
Title: Home Sweet Home, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14 inches.
At least we received some snow this year which makes some beautiful compositions from simple landscapes.
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Pa Marshlands
This composition came from many ideas I have been considering for a long time. I love to paint dynamic skies and landscapes. Marshland Pa. lends itself to these interpretations. As an artist you know I have my professional License. I hope you enjoy the way this makes you feel I know I do!!!! Hope to do more in the future.
Title: Pa Marshlands, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size 16 x 20 inches.
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Snow Trail
Winter in Pennsylvania was always my favorite time of year. Whether we were in Levittown or Scranton, it did not matter. From a young age to my adult years, snow was fun. My neighbor Tony Fotch would always pile the snow at the end of his driveway into huge neighborhood snow forts. We had lots of fun as you can imagine. Tracking through the woods and camping out came later in life and was truly an adventure. I think you get the idea oof my love for snow!!!
Title: Snow Trail, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14 inches.
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Snow Road Barn
Title: Snow Road Barn, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12 inches
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Rising Sun
When I first saw this scene it grabbed my attention. I knew I had to paint the feeling it gave me. Something about sun and shadows wakes me up
Title: Rising Sun, Medium; Oil on Linen Panel, Size 12 x 12 inches.
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Sunny Day
This time of year, I really miss these days HA! We would ride our bikes up to George's Canoe Rental on the Delaware Canal and just enjoy the day rowing and taking photos. Great memories!!!
Title: Sunny Day, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14 inches.
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Cold Cabin
Some paintings take me back to when everything was good, happy, and fun. This is one of them. I was in the Boy Scouts of America Troop 121, St. Michaels. We did a lot of camping and exploring in the winter months. It was one of the best times of my life. Learned about people, friends, and who you could count on. Great LIFE lessons.
Title: Cold Cabin, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12 inches.
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Taking the High Road
Very relaxing Landscape. Another example of the beauty of Bucks County. As a younger man I would love taking rides all around Bucks to see the numerous landscapes and very different ways of living. From small and large towns to wide open countryside's. A place for all of us!
Title: Taking the High Road, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12 inches
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Country Mail
Painting is a journey to wonderful people, places, and things. This journey took me to these beautiful mailboxes. It is the second time I painted mailboxes as my subject. I guess deep down in my subconscious they have a hidden meaning. I can think of many reasons, but I am sure you have some of your own. I think the beauty of the scene speaks for itself. Enjoy
Title: Country Mail, Medium: Oil on Linen Canvas, Size: 9 x 12 inches
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Bucks County Shadows
Another peaceful summer Bucks County scene. Title: Bucks County Shadows, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 8 x 10 inches, Price: $850 USD
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Hey Lavender Fields
I enjoyed adjusting the colors to create a moody feel to this oil painting. Bucks County has many wonderful, beautiful atmospheric conditions that can be captured in oil paint.
Title: Hey Lavender Fields, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14 inches, Price: $1550 USD

I spoke about my neighbors on this platform the other day. Because of all the home improvement projects at this time of year, I understand the importance of home ownership. My neighbors are really dressing up the block inside and outside.
Title: NEIGHBORS, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12 in.
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Rolling Hills
I paint lots of Bucks County scenes and landscapes. This one is a little different. I was traveling past Harrisburg and Gettysburg and was amazed at all the beauty I have been missing in our great state of Pennsylvania. I was born in Scranton and have visited my relatives for years, so I am quite familiar with the beauty of those scenes. The amount of sprawling farmland in western Pa. was refreshing. That is what inspired this oil painting. Title: Rolling Hills, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20 in.
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Traveling Road
I have taken many photos over the years to use as subjects for future paintings. Sometimes I would take a full day sketching and photographing scenes in Bucks County. I have enough reference photos for a few lifetimes. My interest in this scene was the way the road took me into the distance on a nice clear day. Hope you like it!
Title: Traveling Road, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 8 x 10 in.
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We all have seen this lonely tree sitting in the middle of nowhere and wonder how this happens and why there aren't smaller trees around the same area. My mind comes up with many ideas not related to the tree but to humanity. I am sure you have many yourself. Then some say, "It is just a tree". There are always THOSE PEOPLE HA!
Title: Tree, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 8 x 10 in.
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Landscape Barn
More Farm landscapes. This one I liked the extreme intense colors. At certain times of the day and on overcast we can see pure local color.
Title: Landscape Barn, Medium: oil on Linen Panel, Size: 8 x 10 in.
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Summer Canal Landscape
I have taken many walks, and bike rides, and also did some canoeing on the Delaware canal in my youth. Places like this are commonplace in Bucks County. Let us hope they never disappear!
Title: Summer Canal Landscape, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 9 x 12 in.
At the Canal Frame Craft Gallery

Wildflower Enhancement
This little Garden shed out in the woods is beautified by Mother Nature again with the wonderful and colorful display of wild flowers.
Title: Wildflower Enhancement, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12 in.
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Lake House
I need a month at this place. So peaceful and calm. We have the opportunity when we are young to relax but it is not appreciated until we are older. Much easier to do also!
Title: Lake House, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14 in.
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County Barn
Gave this painting lots of different considerations when developing the idea. Changed it many times and ended here. I like it. Hope you do too!
Title: County Barn, Medium: Oil on canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12"., Price: $900 USD

Winter Sunset
Beautiful winter morning. Pa has a beautiful sky in the morning and nite. Loved creating this atmosphere.
Painting:Oil on Linen
Original:One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size:11 W x 14 H x 0.3 D in
Price: 1500 USD
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Winter Light
Another beautiful scene with unbelievable lighting conditions.
Painting: Oil on Linen
Original: One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size:18 W x 24 H x 0.5 D in
Price : $ 4650 USD
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Silent Cold
love the isolation of this painting. Also the monochromatic look of the subject I find interesting. When you look at an image and can hear the silence it is effective.
Painting: Oil on Linen
Original: One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size:11 W x 14 H x 0.3 D in
Price : $1500
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Price: $1500 USD

Cold Blue woods
Title: Cold Blue Woods, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $ 1500 USD
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Barn Find
Bucks County, PA. has lots of beautiful skies in the morning and evening. Lot of artists capitalize on the fact. I love the dark feeling of the daily expectation. Something is looming!
Painting:Oil on Canvas
Original:One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size:9 W x 12 H x 0.3 D in
Price : $ 1100 USD
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Morning Snow
Bucks County, PA. the place of many dreams. Sometimes I think of quiet isolated places to go to escape the crazy world. Paintings like this allow me to go there.
Painting: Oil on Linen
Original: One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size: 11 W x 14 H x 0.3 D in
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Fence Line
Love the simplicity of this landscape.
Title: Fence Line, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size 8 x 10", Price: $ 850 USD
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Mother Nature
Our wonderful world of color is amazing. It is all around us at all times. All we need to do is stop and look. My love of painting has much to do with this idea. I painted this oil painting to show my personal acknowledgement of Mother Nature in all her beauty.
Title: Mother Nature, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12", Price: $ 1500 USD
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A Scary Night
Title: A Scary Night, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size 9 x 12". I dedicate this to the ER and SD Unit at St. Mary's Medical Center. THANKS!
Price: $ 1100 USD
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Harvest Moon
After all these years of painting this is my first official nighttime oil painting. There are many Professional Artists in the Bucks County and surrounding area that do fabulous nighttime paintings. I enjoyed doing this one. It is a small little guy so I don't get much detail, but the next one will be larger.
Title: Harvest Moon, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 6 x 6", Price: $ 360 USD
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Nice Day
It is the middle of the winter, and I needed a nice day. So, I painted one. More like this to come.
Painting:Oil on Linen
Original:One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size:11 W x 14 H x 0.3 D in
Price :$ 1550 USD

Stairway Passage
DREAMS! We all have them. Reoccurring thoughts and images are supposed to tell something or solve problems we are having. I am sure there is much more to them. Two of mine focus on WATER and STAIRWAYS like this one. Both are very relaxing and happy. Painting images related to these dreams helps. Hope you like them
Title: Stairway Passage, Medium: Oil on Archival Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12", Price: $ 1500 USD
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Old Country Barn
Living and working in Bucks County, Pa. Growing up in this area I was surrounded by farms. The property my town was built on was once a huge farm. I feel they are part of who I am, and I relate to the struggle and hard life of a working farmer—the backbone of America.
Painting: Oil on Linen Panel
Original: One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size:12 W x 12 H x 0.3 D in
Price: $ 1500 USD

I approached this oil painting differently. I used new materials and tools for applying the paint. I like to experiment with new tools and techniques. Lots of energy was expended in its creation. Love the bright colors of nature on overcast days.
Title: FALL WATER FALL, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $ 1500 USD
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Gate House
Some more simple beauty. Bucks County has so much to share. I remember when I started driving, I would drive past Farm after Farm. It may not be here to see in life, but I still can see it in my mind. Hope you enjoy this little farmhouse.
Title: Gate House, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 8 x 10", Price: $850 USD.
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Red Barn
I like to do little warm-up paintings every so often. This is one. These 6 x 6 Paintings take from two hours to two days. Depends on the complexity.
Title: Red Barn, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size 6 x 6", Price: $360 USD
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I have painted many canvases with wildflowers and weeds because they are nature's way of dressing up the unattended landscape. More wildflowers to come. Title: Wildflowers, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500 USD
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Valley Trees
Very peaceful summer Bucks County scene. Title: Valley Trees, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 8 x 10", Price: $850 USD
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Lake Retreat
I always enjoyed the outdoors camping and fishing from a young age. This cabin looks like the perfect retreat.
Title: Lake Retreat, Medium: Oil on Archival Linen Panel, Size: 12 x 12", Price: $ 1500 USD
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Father and Son
Gone Fishing! It was one of my favorite things to do in my youth and as a father. I usually go with my son and sometimes with a friend and his boys. It was always fun even though we never caught anything to take home to eat. We fished in all the little creeks and lakes and the Delaware River. Plenty of places to cast your bait. Lots of funny stories going through my mind. That is why I painted this Original Oil.
Title: Father and Son, Medium: Oil on Linen Panel, Size: 11 x 14 in.
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Beautiful Bucks
Title: Beautiful Bucks, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12” , Price: $1100 USD

Bear Apothecary Shoppe
Title: Bear Apothecary Shoppe, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12”, Price on Request.
Pre Pandemic visit to Lambertville, NJ. Karen and I walked around town to see all the interesting shops. The shops are interesting both inside and outside. This is a very odd to try to capture in paint. I must have changed the window configuration at least 4 times. I think I finally got it 😉 You will also notice that most of the building is in shadow. Hope to be back to Lambertville, NJ. Soon!

Afton Lake
Title: Afton Lake, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12", Price: SOLD
This is a very relaxing and beautiful site in Lower Bucks County. Location is in Yardley, Pa.

Charlies Dogwood
My Nextdoor neighbor Charlie planted this beautiful Dogwood on his property next to my driveway. I loved to see it's beautiful blooms every year. It is always a plus when your neighbor really cares for their property. I am happy to say that I live in a neighbor where people care about their neighbors. I guess that is why I have lived in or owned three properties here within a stones throw. The first one I was raised in with my family. The second was my backyard neighbors house which I purchased to raise my family. Finally I sold that house to my youngest Daughter and bought the house, from a childhood friend, across the street to build my Studio.
Title: Charlies Dogwood, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500 USD
#dogwood #flowers #white #neighbor #house #Buckscounty #Hollyhill #LevittownPa

DaVinci Dedication
I was watching a video tour of the place of birth of the great Leonardo da Vinci. Place of birth: Anchiano. The small monument in the painting is a dedication to the great master. My interest was the time of day and the beauty of the sunset. I felt I needed to express my appreciation in oils. So here it is! Hope you like it 😉
Title: DaVinci Dedication, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500 usd
#sunset #DaVinci #dusk #mountains #landscape #Anchiano

Church Cove Start
Months ago I wrote about my Journey through the UK area known as Church Cove on the Lizard, with the Cornish Maid. It has been a very exciting and awaking experience. Never having the opportunity to use a video as a reference for a finished painting I learned so much. The possibility of creating a finished Oil Painting from a place I have never physically experienced didn't seem real. I think I may have psychically "Astral projection", travelled there during the creation of these six paintings.
It was such a good release for me to be able to express my inner feelings about these places and escape from all that is taking place in our real world. I can only hope that my work brings some comfort and escape for others.
Title: Church Cove Start, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 12 x 24", Price: $2800 USD
#Buckscounty #churchCove #Levittown #oil #landscape #house #cottage #yellow #covid

Church Cove Walk
Time to paint. As a Practicing Professional Oil Painter , boy that's a mouthful, I am constantly looking for interesting ways to interpreter my world. I paint what I find fascinating, beautiful, complicated, surreal, attractive, etc. In short I paint what I want to paint. I am lucky enough not to be bound to money or fame as a reason to create Art. I am not in competition to do better than anyone or show off. I don't need to impress anyone but myself. I have been on this journey for many years and I love it!
I appreciate when people tell me how my work makes them feel or what memory it brings them. The first page, first line in my book states "Life is worth Living" , share your happiness. It is free to give. All the negative thing eventually pass and we need them to make us appreciate the good times.
We may be in this Covid lockdown but it doesn't control us or the way we feel. I have been in my home waiting for a vaccine, only leaving for doctor appointments or pick up food and medicine. This situation led me to why I decided to paint a series of paintings based off screen shots taken by a Facebook friend the "Cornish Maid" in the UK.
Title: Church Cove Walk, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200 USD SOLD
PS. My Irish humor will not let me publish this article without this disclaimer. I will definitely accept money for any of my paintings 😉 All offers considered!

Roof Cat at Church Cove
Walking around Church Cove! I joined the Facebook Group Devon and Cornwall heritage because I visited the area with my Family and my Daughters Father in Law grew up in the area and my partner Karen A Smith has roots there.
I posted several Oil Paintings I did of Cornwell on the site and received a pleasant response. While reviewing others posts I found some videos shared by the "The Cornish Maid". The video that caught my attention is titled "Church Cove, The Lizard". While watching for the first time I really felt like I was there and every turn in the road was a new painting. WOW!!! I contacted the Cornish Maid and told her of my intentions and asked permission to reference her video.
This is the first time I ever tried this. Ever since COVID we have been doing lots of different things. Most professional artists that use reference material don't copy exactly anyway. We interpret what we see. In the states we don't have many areas with this history or charm 😉
Out of the twenty or so screen captures I have about 8 good painting references. This Original Oil Painting is the first of many to come. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.
Title: Roof Cat at Church Cove, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size 11 x 14", Price: SOLD

Church Cove Plein Aire
Painting outside on the coast sounds like a relaxing proposition. The Artist and her dog are enjoying their cool afternoon sitting outside their ancient stone studio. Written on the large grey plaque on the side of the stone building is "The Witch House". Don't know the story for that, but it certainly sounds interesting. I would love to visit this area but I know my knees are saying "No Way". Lots of hills. This is the third painting completed from the video supplied by the "Cornish Maid" . I would like to thank her for allowing me to use this as a reference. It is a fun project.
Title: Church Cove Plein Aire, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1200 USD

Plein-Air denoting or in the manner of a 19th-century style of painting outdoors, or with a strong sense of the open air, that became a central feature of French impressionism.
This Plein Air Painter is relaxing with her dog. At least that is how I imagine it to be! This is the fifth painting of Church Cove in Cornwall. Maybe one more 😉
Title: Church Cove Plein-Air2, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 12 x 24", Price: $2800 USD

Church Cove Studio
Special places! When I first saw this scene I wanted to be there. I had all kinds of stories in my imagination about this stone home being my Art Studio on the water. I think my Zodiac sign I am a water person. Whatever that means 😉 LOL
When I started painting the scene new images started to form in my mind. Everything seemed like a geometrical puzzle with overlapping and repetitive forms. I was really drawn in to paint this scene.
This is the fourth Original Oil Painting I have completed from the Cornish Maids video of the walk she filmed of Church Cove on the Lizard.
Title: Church Cove Studio, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200 USD

Path to Priory Park
When I found this canvas I knew the image I wanted to paint. I have heard over the years many reasons Artists have for working in certain size canvas or boards. Mine reasoning is simple. I choose the appropriate size "Standard" canvas to portray the image. Why "Standard"? The most direct answer is, I am not a frame maker and standard is "less expensive" ;) Standard also makes it very easy for the client to change the frame.
The image is a continuation of my visit to the UK when I visited my family. I love the beauty that surrounds the towns and country side. Living in Bucks County I appreciate the history and dedication of the people to keep their building, farms, and open landscapes! Almost everywhere you turn in the UK amazing views ;)
Title: Path to Priory Park, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 9 x 12" , Price: $1000 USD

Port Issac Roof tops
This painting was completed after my visit to my Daughter in the UK. The buildings are some of the old structures found at Port Isaac Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200.00 USD

Rose Hill
This oil painting image is of a street in the Port Isaac area of the UK. An 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

The Gate
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Port Isaac Village Hall
Port Isaac is an Oil Painters dream place. So many beautiful structures and landscapes. The people are wonderful too ! This is a 16 inches by 20 inches oil on canvas. Price: $1800.00 USD

Yellow Door
This is another painting completed from the Port Isaac area of the UK it is an 8 inches by 10 inches oil on canvas. Price SOLD

Worcester Cathedral
A 16 inches by 20 inches oil on canvas, Price $3200.00 USD.

Morning Fog Worcester England
Morning Fog Worcester England, 11 x 14", Oil on Canvas, Price: $1500.00 USD. Something about roof tops and misty mornings always gives me a peaceful feeling. Maybe its the calm and being above it all.

Symphonic Weeds
Title: Symphonic Weeds (relating to or having the form or character of a symphony), Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200 USD
This is a very common landscape in Bucks County with a little twist 😉 I have experienced these scenes for many years but as luck would have it, something struck a chord with my artistic sensibilities. I saw something wonderful in the weeds in front of the typical landscape. I knew it was magical and musical. The colors of the various weeds played across my field of view. I wanted to share in paint what I was seeing and if your listen hearing! Hope you enjoy the music 😉
#yellow #red #green #blue #orange #weeds #buckscounty #hay #bail #trees #landscape

Title: MAILBOXES, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200 USD. The Phillips Mill area has many beautiful and interesting scenes. This happens to one of them. Karen A Smith and I were gallery sitting at this day and walked around taking photos before going in the gallery. I think I choose this image about two or three years ago. I knew I wanted to paint the scene but I didn't know how I wanted the composition to look. Thanks to COVID for giving me the time to figure out what I wanted to do! Mt interest was mainly the old mailboxes. With email and social media we don't have too much use for them besides occasional advertisements. I also loved the overgrowth reclaiming the old building 😉
Hope you like it.
#mailbox #buckscounty #oilpainting #landscape #green #purple #stone

Days End
Family Christmas dinner 2018 was in Central Bucks. Since my car had broken down, I was driving a loaner car without GPS. I printed out the directions from Google Maps, so that got me 95% of the way there. The last 5% I had to be talked in on the phone. I got there :) Joe and Rose had a beautiful home and lots of food and drink for the occasion. Had a great time at the party and met new friends. I met Rose's Dad who sang in a Doo Wop group back in the day. Great guy! The next day I friended Rose on Facebook and got her Father's Facebook name. After Rose accepted my Friend request I saw the Sunset photo she had taken. I wrote to Rose and asked if she took the photo and if I could use it for painting. Happily I was given permission :) As it turns out there is a show opening in Central Bucks, Opening Reception, Thursday, April 18, 2019 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at The Bridges at Warwick, 1600 Almshouse Road, Jamison PA. sponsored by The Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce and William & Laurie Schutt. The exhibit happens to be called " 33rd Annual Bucks Fever Art Exhibition Dusk to Dawn". So the painting fits. Oh yea! Getting home from Joe's house without GPS. FOGET ABOUTIT. A one hour ride took three. Hate driving at night and no co pilot didn't help. Oh well the Oil Painting is now complete. Hope it gets into the Exhibit! Thanks Roseanne Otto-Bayer!
Title: Days End, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 16 x 20 ", Price: $3200 USD -SOLD

New Hope Train Station
I have been planning to paint this scene for a few years now. The iconic New Hope Train Station is well known to most people who visit the area. i had just dropped off paintings for a gallery show and the light was perfect and the geometry of the scene was overwhelming. I know I had to capture it. It was a challenge :) Hope you like it!
Title: New Hope Train Station, Medium: Oil on Canvas, size: 16 x 20", Price: SOLD Giclée Prints available on SaatchiArt.com

County Farm
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Hey No Clouds
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Buckingham Farm
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Red Barn
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Misty Woods
Misty Morning Woods
Love the quiet serine atmosphere of the woods in the morning. This image takes me back to my younger days. We had lots of wooded areas to hunt and play. Spent lots of time enjoying nature. Unfortunately those wooded areas are mostly gone. It has a spiritual feeling :)
Title: Misty Woods, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size 16 x 20", Price:$2300.00 USD
#woods #tree #green #morning #fog #mist #tomfureyartist #buckscounty

Font Hill Doorway
It was at my first Daughters wedding I saw the doorway in the Font Hill Castle in Doylestown, Pa. I worked many years on this to get it exactly right. I think it took me 14 years to complete. A 18 inches by 24 inches oil on canvas. Price $4300.00 USD

Van Sandt Bridge
Title: Van Sandt Bridge, Size: 11 inches by 14 inches, Medium: Oil on canvas, SOLD

Snow Farm
I think this painting can speak for itself. The composition was very natural and very interesting to paint. Not sure of what town its in but it is a Bucks county Barn. Snow Farm, 11 x 14" Oil on Canvas, Price $1500.00 USD.

Font Hill Interior
I started this painting about 14 years ago. I'm very happy to have completed the painting. It was a challenge to paint and keep my sanity. Many color and perspective and shadow changes. Each tile is individually painted. Every pain of glass became its own painting with reflections of the inside of the room. I have always had a fascination with Inside/Outside and window pane paintings. The contrast of interior settings and what is happening outside can be extremely different and evoke all sorts of feelings and excitement. Multiple window panes also serve as paintings within a painting depending how they are depicted. Cold, Hot, Warm, Cool, Bright, Dark etc are all examples of what you can do with color and light.
Title: Font Hill Interior, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 30 x 24". SOLD

Cold Spring Creamery Road Farm
This Farm Field looked amazing as I drove passed it one day. I knew I had to paint it. Another Spring Oil Painting of Bucks County. Hope you enjoy the image!
Title: Cold Spring Creamery Road Farm, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size 16 x 20", Price: $3200.00 USD
#woods #tree #green #farm #field #spring #tomfureyartist #buckscounty

Groth Hill Farm
It is fun to paint a subject you are familiar with in order to really see it as it exists. Life is too short and the places we run by can sometimes be wonderful places to remember. This barn has always interested me, but I could never stop to study it or photograph it for a painting. Until now! It was a rainy day on my way home from a show and it was perfect. The rain had just stopped, and the sky was bright, and the colors were true. Overcast days provide you with the color that exists without any bleaching. I love vibrant color and the wetness from the rain added to this explosion of color.
Title: Groth Hill Farm, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 18 x 24", Price: $4300.00 USD
#landscape #barn #buckscounty #tomfureyartist #red #rainyday #fence

Bucks County Sky
There is always something to paint in Bucks County. I feel very blessed living here a majority of my life. Most of the good things in life are found here! This painting was a attempt to paint some beautiful clouds on an semi overcast day. The sun was filtering through in spots which left a great light and color contrast.
Title: Bucks County Sky, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1550.00 USD

Cuttalossa Winter
While drive the back roads of Bucks County I came across this beautiful Mill in the middle of the winter scene and decided to paint it.
Title: Cuttalossa Winter, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 × 20 inches
Price” $3200 USD

Cuttalossa Farm
Title: Cuttalossa Farm, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 × 14 inches, Price: $1500 USD

Rolling Green Barn Window
Rolling Green Farm is a beautiful site in Bucks County. This Oil Painting is the third I have created from the site. This view is looking out the window at the field behind the barn. There is this huge tree surrounded by Christmas trees across a vast field. I tried to capture the light of the day as it streamed into the window. It was an cloudy day and there was a haze to the light filtering into the room. Hope you like it! :)
Title: "Rolling Green Barn Window", Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500.00 USD

Wood Wagon
This wagon is outside the Rolling Green gallery on Route 202 and Aquatong Rd. I was in an Art show at the barn and loved the venue and the property. I returned several times to more studies. Sometimes we find things and areas completely by accident. I hope the owner of this property can continue to sponsor the ARTS!
Title: Wood Wagon, 11 x 14", Oil on Canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Mahoning County Court House
Geometric attraction is what drew me to this scene. The short story is I was living and working in Youngstown, Ohio in 2004. I would attend the Youngstown Kiwanis meeting which was held in the YMCA building located next to the Mahoning County Court House. I passed this scene and was attracted to the shapes. So I did some sketches and took many photos. I decided on a focus of limited but extreme perspective. A little bit of organized chaos much like the life I lead ;) I cropped the image into a difficult layout as a challenge in many ways. I started the painting in 2004. Changed the colors, highlights, shadows etc. many times until I finally put the Oil Painting away. I approached this image many times over the years but was never satisfied with the direction. Finally after completing several other difficult works I attacked this Oil Painting again. I'm glad I did. Hope you like it too.
Title: Mahoning County Court House, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 18 x 36", Price: $6500 USD

St. James Episcopal Church 1828
Title: St. James Episcopal Church 1828, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 × 20 inches, Price: $3200 USD
While living and working in Youngstown, Oh. My apartment was located in Boardman, Oh. This is where I found this beautiful church located on the top of the hill. I researched the building history and found out it had been relocated for its historical significance.

Shore House
That Special Light! You know what I mean. Down the shore or beach sitting on the front porch with a relaxing drink and some good music!
Title: Shore House, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size 11 x 14 ", Price: $1500 USD

Prallsville Mill Winter
A 16 inches by 20 inches oil on canvas, Price: $3200.00 USD.

Prallsville Mill
Title: Prallsville Mill, A 16 inches by 20 inches oil on canvas, Price: $3200.00 USD

Pebble Beach
Title: Pebble Beach, A 12 inches by 16 inches oil on canvas. Price : $1900 USD SOLD

Satterthwaite Farm House Portrait
Voices from the past exist in our everyday lives. There are many places, objects, and images that capture our hearts and minds to evoke intense human emotions. I passed this Satterthwaite Farm House for many years and watched it deteriorate, always hopeful that someone or an organization would save it. I love Bucks County people and places. This Farm House located on the Patterson Farm property, has imprinted the History it holds on my mind. I look at the dilapidated exterior and can only image all the lives, generations, births, deaths, activities, celebrations, and sadness that have taken place in that interior environment. It is all very important to our current situation and life experiences. I can only do the one activity I feel will best express and save this wonderful extension of all our lives. I have painted images of this Satterthwaite Farm House to share with you and hopefully many generations to come. Please enjoy the memories and be happy for those who left us something to remember ;)
Title: Satterthwaite Farm House Portrait, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 12 x 24", Price: $2900 USD

Satterthwaite Farm House
Satterthwaite Farm House located in Lower Makefield Township has served the community for over 333 years as Pennsylvania's most fertile farm soil. The history goes back to the time of William Penn. Preservation of the Farm is part Bucks County, PA heritage.
The title of this Original Oil Painting is "Satterthwaite Farm House" , Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200 USD
I have always found the property very interesting and have created other oil paintings of my observations. Hopefully there will be more in the future. Hope you enjoy this one.

Yardley Farm
The old weathered barn is a thing of beauty to me. that fact coupled with the old red tractor called to me to paint this scene. I wanted to add some additional points of interest so I may have over emphasized the weeds and flowers but the distant farm is just as it appeared that day. Title: Yardley Farm, Size: 16 x20" Medium: Oil on Canvas, Price $3200.00 USD

Patterson Farm Tractor Portrait
I usually paint what I experience or find interesting. My subjects are people places and things that I have some connection. I also paint objects that I find to be beautiful in some way. I like to challenge myself to paint scenes I think may be difficult. This Oil Painting is a Tractor Portrait. I have painted many paintings of the Patterson Farm in Yardley, Pa. This is one more.
You may ask why would paint a tractor. I spent many years as a heavy equipment operator, process control tech, and a technical illustrator of military manuals. So I understand and have an interest on how these machines operate and are put together. Hope it is interesting to you also!
Title: Patterson Farm Tractor Portrait, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size 16 x 20 ", Price: $3200 USD

Patterson Corn
Thank you GOD! I love SPRING and FALL :) This is the first of several paintings that have been inspired by the change in the weather. It took a while for me to decide on this particular image because of the corn! Never attempted it before. Now I can scratch that off the bucket list. It was actually fun. More to come!
Title: Patterson Corn, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200.00 USD.
#yardley#farm#corn#field#blue#buckscounty #farm #tomfureyartist

Lake House
This is a commissioned House Portrait I did for my best friend for over 45 years! Oil on canvas, 20 x 24", Price: $4800 USD SOLD

Red Barn Stone Wall
Title: Red Barn Stone Wall, Oil on Canvas, 16 x 20". I completed a small study of this subject and decided to produce a full version. There are so many Bucks County Barns that are beautiful and waiting to be captured in Oils. The stone wall fascinated me because it was obvious it was built at two different time periods and the materials at that time each section was different. Price $3200.00 USD

Barn Door
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price: $1500 USD SOLD

Road Trim
I stopped the car to get a photo of this scene and I did an Oil Sketch with the plan to do a final piece. My interest was the dynamic view, color, and nature vs man. Someone really LOVES this tree ;) Hope you love it too!
Title: Road Trim, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500

Amazing Leaves
Finding Inspiration comes from many places. Bucks County has always been an area of abundant talent. It is the home to some of the most amazing Artists in the world. So I feel truly blessed to have been raised and experience the Great Artists of Bucks County and surrounding areas. Part of that experience is visiting local Shows and Exhibits for the pure joy of the visual arts and also for inspiration.
I went to a local gallery in the Yardley, Pa. area operated by a non-profit
Artist group, "Artists of Yardley". This group has a beautiful renovated stone house which is used for many purposes including an excellent Art Gallery. I walked through the current show and was very pleased with all the local talent. It was time to leave and my mind was spinning with painting ideas. As I walked to my car, I just happened to look down and was stopped in my tracks. Just my luck the most wonderful arrangement of colorful leaves were arranged feet from my car by nature. This is how the current Oil Painting came to be.
I started the Oil Painting over a year ago. Sometime very difficult paintings will be set aside until I am ready to tackle the challenge. Our current isolation because of the Corona Virus presented the perfect time to enjoy nature. Hope you like it
Title: Amazing Leaves, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20". Price $3200 USD
Paypal Purchase:

River Road Quarry
Gone but not forgotten! This painting was completed sometime in the seventies. I painted lots of Oil Landscapes of the Washington Crossing area, Canal, and across the river. It is an Oil Painting on Canvas of the Prison Quarry on River Road in New Jersey. I liked the image so I kept it for my own viewing pleasure. In the nineties I was working for United States Steel as a Training Coordinator. The Oil Painting was hanging on the wall in my office. A very good Friend of mine (Arthur "Bud" McDermott) from the production unit I worked for many years stopped in my office to announce his retirement and shake my hand one last time. Bud was a true friend! When I asked him where the retirement party was to be held, he smiled. No party :( I looked over Bud's head at the Oil Painting of the Prison Quarry. I asked him to stand, and then removed the painting from the wall and handed it to him with a smile and said " Enjoy this memory for many years". He could hardly control his emotions. That was a reaction I didn't expect. On my side it felt great to treat someone the way I would want to be treated. With dignity, respect and fellowship for the many years we worked side by side. Bud gave one last embrace and left with the Oil Painting. I never saw or heard from him again. The story doesn't end there ;)
A few weeks ago I received an IM on Facebook from someone I met at a dinner party at a patrons house. Apparently Bud's painting landed in a Langhorne Thrift Shop. "Ooooh the HUMANITY" Not exactly where I want my Original Oil Paintings to be exhibited. It does get worse ;( When I asked how much was paid for the Oil Painting I was floored! Let's just say it tooooo low to mention the actual price. The purchaser was thrilled I was embarrassed. Well at least it wasn't thrown in the trash. Lucky for me the new owner was familiar with Fine Art and local Artists. It's not their first find. The owner agreed to allow me to photograph the Art and place it on my web sites. They are also willing to sell the Oil Painting to help pay their child's College tuition. Hope you like it.
Title: River Road Quarry, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 18 x 24" , Price: $4300 USD

This Oil Painting depicts an area in Washington Crossing State Park along the Delaware Canal Tow Path. A 18 inches by 24 inches oil on canvas. Price: $4300.00 USD

Fall Leaves
Fall Leaves, 16 x 20", Oil on Canvas, Price: $3200.00 USD. . Having fun doing my larger works this month. Put the final touches on this fall scene. I say final but nothing in my mind is ever completed. There is always something else I could do or change. You have to find that happy place with each painting or you will end up in a white jacket unable to scratch your nose.

Bird Box
This year 2018, I enjoyed Thanksgiving with Mrs. Smith and her daughter Karen A Smith at her home. Great home styled cooking and all the fixings. After we relaxed for a time and the cleanup was completed, Karen asked to take a ride to Tyler State Park in Newtown, Pa. It was a beautiful afternoon and a fantastic idea. The roads were clear on the way to the park and when we arrived it was practically empty. Good time to take a slow ride and enjoy the wildlife. As we entered the backside of the park we immediately encountered as series of the roadside "Bird Boxes" I was struck by this one because at first looked it appeared to be the letter "F" like the first letter in my last name. In reality it is a "7". I loved the seasoned weathered look of the box attached to the metal pole. Karen asked if I would like some photos of the box. When she looked at the photos at home she decided this was the best composition and I agreed. Karen and I do many collaborative projects together. I tried adding some new colors to my palette to enhance this Original Oil Painting. I hope you enjoy the result!
Title" Bird Box", Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14". Price $1500 USD

Farm House
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Park Walk
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price $1500.00 USD

Another Time Antiques
Today I finished the most current of my Another Time Antiques Original Oil Paintings. Again I must confess I really enjoy everything about this building. It was across the street from my Studio in Bristol for over 25 years. I was always fascinated with the historical significance of some of the articles Rich would be selling.
Title: Another Time Antiques, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $ 2300 USD SOLD Prints on SaatchiArt.com

Margaret Grundy Museum
I have a little over a Billion images in my mind that I intend to paint someday. I do not create just one type of painting or any subject matter just because it sells. Painting daily is my quest. I like the idea of painting to help the viewer see something in our world differently. Maybe a memory, experience or an emotion. It also okay if it just makes them smile. There is so much we miss as we go through our everyday life.
I'm constantly making mental and photo records of t...hings and places that interest me. Sometimes someone will show me something that I end up painting. This painting has been on my mind for a very long time. When I heard the Community College show was to have Art that reflected what was great about Bristol, Pa. I thought this was perfect.
Title: Margaret Grundy Museum, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size 18 x 24" , Price: $4300.00 USD

River View
A 9 inches by 12 inches oil on canvas. SOLD

Luncheon on the Delaware
Title: Luncheon on the Delaware, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 18 x 24", Price: $4300 USD SOLD
Limited Edition Photo lithographic Prints available

Bristol Cultural & Historical Foundation
Title: Bristol Meeting House, Medium: Oil on canvas, Size: 11 x 14”, Price: $1500

After the Storm
This is one of those paintings that I have been working on for several years. I think my daughter Theresa took the original photo. I used a portion of the image to add interest to the composition. I tried many backgrounds and skies. Finally, a few weeks ago I got one of those fleeting moments of inspiration. Because of the complexity of the cross design and the perspective I realized I needed something dynamic to offset the detail. I love the way this happened, and I feel the struggle and the storm! Hope you like it!
Title: After the Storm, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price $3200 USD
#Irish, #storm, #Bristol, #Bucks County, #weather, #cross, #wet

Industrial Floral
There are many small industries in Lower Bucks County. I would drive my son to and from work at a small paint factory in Morrisville in an industrial park. I noticed someone at the plant wanted to beautify the outside of this cinder block building. They took some industrial containers and planted some beautiful flowers. I thought it was interesting when I first saw it so I took some photos and now I finally did my oil painting.
Title: Industrial Floral, Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12" Price: $1100 USD

Cold Train
I have been planning this painting for a long time but didn't have a stretched canvas I could paint it on. Once I got the canvas it worked out as planned. It's a memory of my many years of working in the Steel Industry. The cold empty feeling of leaving for the last time a career that gave my family life through me. There are mixed emotions whenever something ends and new beginnings. It's all part of life. I bet you thought it was a painting of a train :)
Title: Cold Train, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 12x24", $ 2800 USD

Levittown Dusk
The Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce is having an Exhibit in March titled "Dusk to Dawn" . Submissions deadline is February 15, 2019. I'm thinking it should be a very interesting show. There are many Traditional ways to interpret this subject. Mine is not so Traditional :) Levittown, Pa. has become a very interesting and always exciting subject for me. Moved here at 6 months old in 1953. Have pretty much been here since then. This is Trenton Rd. and Woodbourne Rd intersection. No matter where we live in Pennsylvania it's a beautiful place with GREAT people.
Title: Levittown Dusk, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500 USD

HOSTAS (Variegated Variations of Veridian)
A 20 inches by 24 inches oil on canvas, Price: $4800.00 USD SOLD
I'm fortunate to have a nice front porch to sit on in the good weather and enjoy the day. One morning I was frustrated with a painting I was working on because I couldn't get the right green mixed. I was also having problems between the colors I mixed. Nothing was going right. I know I have at least three tubes of various green oil paint in my drawer I could use at any time instead of mixing a green. But one of the things that drives me as an artist is the challenge.
I decided to limit my pallet last year to four colors and a white. The colors are Alizarin Chrimson, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber and Titanium White. I didn't stay with that very long because I needed to add Cerulean Blue for certain greens and other mixtures. That seemed to work just fine. I learned to mix color fairly quickly. I could make small adjustments easily. The reason behind this was to learn how to do it and color harmony. I used to think limiting the colors I use out of the tube would lead to mixing mud, but the opposite occurred. I was able to mix and change values fairly quickly and got a better handle of the old color wheel.
Okay, getting back to the green problem. While I was sitting on the porch gazing at the hostas and pondering life, I saw an amazing challenge right before my eyes. I walked into the studio and grabbed my camera. I started snapping pictures of all the foliage in front of me. It was a perfect challenge to my current problem. I entered the studio and choose the largest canvas available. I began to sketch out the plant and later referred to the photos for the color matching. The painting I ended up visualizing in my mind started out as a very abstract concept. The movement of the shapes and the variegated variations really interested me. All the negative and positive shapes that made up this painting of GREEN leaves was further complicated by a layer of morning dew. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I was right!
Until next time!

Magnolias in Violetwood
Magnolias in Violetwood. 11 x 14", Oil on Canvas, Price: $1500.00 USD. This painting was a quick Alla Prima study. I liked the movement and colors. I approach this type of painting by letting the paint find its place. There is thought involved in the process but mostly it’s the feeling of applying the paint on the brush and letting things happen!

Cooks Creek
A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas, Price: $1500 USD SOLD.

Bolton Cooking
🤪Keeping with the thought of painting what I experience and enjoy, I decided to create this Oil Painting. I was visiting an open house celebration at Bolton Mansion in Lower Bucks County. Karen A Smith gets credit for the photo that I used to create this unique observation. After discussing the merits of this composition, Karen and I found the see through quality behind the figure and the contrast of the reflection of the trees behind us in the window panes over top of the figure very visually complex and interesting. There are many more parts to what interest me in this composition, but I will let you use your imagination 😉
Title: Bolton Cooking, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500 USD
#BoltonMansion #Historical #Stone #window #cooking #BucksCounty #shutters #trees #revolutionary

Bolton Mansion Secrets
Bucks County is rich with Stone Buildings and Barns. Each one is its own work of Art! The craftsmen hundreds of years ago were masters at what they achieved in construction. Bolton Mansion in Levittown, Pa. is one of these buildings. Luckily we have people who want to preserve this structure for generations. I feel privileged to be able to do my part by creating Oil Paintings of Bolton Mansion. I trust my Artistic Craftsmanship will last as long as the structure through the centuries. This Oil Painting started as a sketch and ended as a finished piece. Karen A Smith and I went on a tour of the building and then walked over the large property. Karen took this photo. This is a simple door and window on the main building but as History has it nothing is as simple as that when you consider the centuries of people coming and going. All the secrets that this building holds is mind blowing :) I just fell in love with the image. Hope you enjoy!
Title: Bolton Mansion Secrets, Size: 11 x 14", Medium: Oil on Canvas Panel, Price: $1500 USD. Special Thanks to Anne Ditmars for supplying the Canvas Panel and Karen A Smith for the use of her photo.

Bolton Mansion Storm
A 16 inches by 20 inches oil on canvas, Price: $ 2300 USD SOLD

Bolton Mansion
Title: Bolton Mansion, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 × 20 inches. SOLD

Holly Hill Trash Day
I loved growing up in Levittown in the 50's and 60's. All the children were close to my age. We were never bored. Sports, fishing, hunting, building forts, riding bikes endlessly, swimming etc. Lots of friends and extended families. This painting is at the top of Hollyhock or Huckleberry Lane. This was our snow sledding lane also Bolton Mansion. There was always lots of trouble to get into, but it was all harmless. From this vantage point you use to be able to see the Open Hearth smoke stacks at the mill. There gone now and replaced with all new businesses. For the most part people in Levittown never change. It's still a nice home town. Funny story! All the parents were in their 20's and 30's. Nobody with gray hair. My relatives were from Scranton. I thought you had to move to Scranton when your hair got gray.:)
Title: Holly Hill Trash Day, Medium: Oil Paint on Canvas Panel, Size: 9 x 12", Price: $800 USD

I began painting this Oil Painting in April 2018 and finished it today. Some art works become something other than the original concept. I started working this piece with some dynamic compositional elements. The Rocks were perfect for this idea. After laying out the design it became more than I initially conceived. The Color, Shadows, Lines, Weight of objects and other parts of the painting began to become evolve into a struggle between each object, pressures and movement within the color and lines. Each Rock became an individual painting and also had it's own personality and level of importance. For me there was a struggle between all the components. It became important how I portrayed these pieces and the negative and positive spaces. The light moving through the scene help to move my eyes from the intense shadows that at first overwhelmed the composition. Finally the grass helped to move the main characters into their own spaces. I am very happy with the outcome of this Oil Painting and look forward to painting my next one.
Title: Rocks, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price: $3200 USD
#rocks #grass #green #brown #blue #buckscounty #dynamic
ps. This Oil Painting was painted using Burnt Umber, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow, White.

These stones are located on a road I have traveled for many years. The intersection where they are located has changed drastically over the last forty years. It was an old country crossroad where in the place the stones are located was an old weathered barn and some antique cars. There were also farm animals and horses. It was something different to see every time I passed this place. Instead of a stop sign there is now a red light. I still use this road very often and I see this wall of large stacked stones. I would think they might have been part of the old barn's foundation. I can't look at these stones without seeing in my mind what use to be there. The farm land behind the stones has been replaced with new modern houses. Life moves on!
Title: STONED, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20" , Price: $3200.00 USD

Another idea and photo supplied by my partner Karen A Smith. Since we both work in the same space we share ideas and materials. It's a wonderful artistic life to live. I have been painting animals and flowers in my backyard. This is a painting of my shed. I know it needs to be primed and painted. The weathered wood is so beautiful I will find it difficult to cover. Paintings like this take more time because I can't get away from looking deeper into the detail. The play of color, wood, and light was amazing to study. Although it was tedious to paint I learn so much in the execution. I hope you enjoy the final Oil Painting.
Title: SHED, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20", Price $3200 USD