Backyard Cats
Cats in the Yard. This house has a History. I know my neighbor who owned the house told me in the 60's about the cats in the yard. Anyway the cats in this Oil Painting represent many past generations of felines! When I initially purchased this home I knew about the cats. The first few years I was busy reconstructing the house to be a live in Studio. The cats were outside.
Then I met Karen A Smith who is an animal lover, protector, psychologist, and rescuer.
Since Karen is my Partner and Best Friend I took an interest in my Yard Cats. I could write a book!!! These are three cats watching me paint in my studio. They STARE AT ME!!!! I now love and protect them. Old dogs can learn new tricks. Even with an extreme CAT allergy ;)
Title: Backyard Cats, Medium: Oil on Linen, Size 11 x 14 ", Price: $1500 USD

What is a Friend can be answered in many ways. It is usually something you earn, nurture and develop over a long period of time. It is a bond of mutual affection. Not something casual or occasional. Some friendships are so close they are will to "take the bullet" for you. Those friends are few and if you have one you are blessed.
So are we talking about men and women that we know? There is another definite friend that meets all the criteria! Our family pets (some consider them their children). I have only had one in my life so far and he recently passed. Richard Vallejo showed me a photo of his friend "Bentley". Rich wanted a portrait painted in oils to remember and honor his friend forever.
Title: Bentley, Size: 11 x 14, Medium: Oil on Linen, Priceless ;)
Hope you like it :)

Who you callin Chicken!
I guess the EASTER Season is inspirational for me. This is the second Oil Painting completed with a sort of Holiday theme. After all the Easter Bunny does bring Easter eggs and candy. Somebody had to make the eggs. From what I understand it is chickens! This particular poultry seemed to have somewhat of an attitude problem. Soooooo..... Title: Who you callin Chicken! , Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500 USD
Thank you to Nicole Yun for supplying the beautiful Photo of her Chicken for the Poultry Portrait!!!
#chicken #easter #holiday #bucks county #levittown #eggs #traditional #contemporary

Whenever I'm in Bristol I try to stop in to visit Rich Vallejo at Another Time Antiques on Mill Street. Rich and I have been friends since he first opened his business in the early Seventies. The Famous Mill Street Studio started by John Ennis , Neil McIlvaine and me, was located right across the street. Over the years Rich has helped me personally and the Arts in Bristol.
Karen and I stopped in for a visit and Rich was showing her some Jewelry while I was playing with the dog(Lexus). Rich always takes the time to welcome visitors and usually has some interesting stories :) We finished our business and Lexus was trying to follow us out the door. With one command "SIT" this image is what the Lexus did immediately. Karen immediately took a photo. I couldn't help but to do a study of this beautiful animal. You can feel the respect and obedience Lexus has for his buddy Rich P Vallejo ;)
Title: SIT(STUDY), Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", SOLD

Title: Sammy, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16 x 20" , Price: SOLD
Wow time flies! It was three years ago I painted my first CAT Oil Painting. I Love animals, but do not have any pets. It takes a very mature, reliable, and responsible individual to take care of a pet properly. My experience from friends and family raising a pet is like raising a child. They do become part of your family. I raised four children. No interested in any more! I am highly allergic to dogs and cats. However, I do care about the welfare of animals. I think I mentioned in the past I have feral cats in my backyard daily. They stare at me while I paint. This was one of those days Sammy was staring inside. My everything partner Karen A Smith ,(who took the photo for this painting), saw this cat very badly injured and nursed it back to health. While this was taking place five other feral cats were reaping the food and water benefits. Last winter was very hard on Sammy so I allowed him inside for some R&R for two weeks. Since he was so well behaved we think he had once been a house cat (In a previous Life ). Sammy didn't want to return to the wild life and was adopted by Karen :) Sammy got an Extra life last year! Nice to have a happy ending!

Bird Watcher
In my neighborhood we have a few stray cats that visit my yard looking for handouts or birds etc. My yard is safe because I don't have any threats. Typically I don't feed the animals because I don't like walking to my shed and having a shoe surprise. This cat is one of the wild ones. I think he rules the area. I love all animals and don't want to see any harm come to them. These cats have been around for years and I don't dare go near them. I saw "GARFIELD" sitting on the 6 foot fence behind my home. He didn't see me and his stare was so intense I had to capture it. He is waiting for birds.
Title: BIRD WATCHER, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 14 x 11", Price $SOLD

Yellow Yard Bird
I have many colorful birds in my backyard. My better half Karen A Smith , also a brilliant artist, planted a beautiful garden this year. The Sunflowers really attract the birds for the seeds. I love watching them jockey for position on the flowers. The only problem they have is the collection of feral cats that frequent the backyard. (Karen's Pets). Soooo, I decided to paint a number of these beautiful birds.
Title: Yellow Yard Bird, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500.00 USD
#garden, #yellow#green#yard#buckscounty#tomfureyartist#bird#YellowFinch

I have been focused on my back yard for Painting inspiration. I have mentioned before and I have heard other Artists say how much we miss or don't stop to see in the world around us. This is the third yard bird painting. I have been in the house for the last 10 years. I always saw the birds but never considered to stop and really look. I should have many more interesting paintings of my backyard coming :)
Title: BLUE YARD BIRD, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500.00 USD

Medium: Oil on canvas, Size: 11 x 14", Price: $1500.00 USD

Family and Friend. From the time he was a puppy BOWSER had personality. My Daughter Jennifer owned four dogs he was one. He would always meet me at the door with a toy in his mouth whipping his head back and forth to show off for me. Apparently I am the ALPHA dog at Jens house. They would always run around like nuts whenever I appeared. Bower was a gentle Giant and would sit on my feet because he was too big to sit on the couch. Everything you would want in a perfect dog Bowser possessed. I only recently found out that certain breeds of dogs do not have long life expectancy. We had BOWSER with us for six years. I LOVED this DOG! Hope you like his image. :)
Title: BOWSER, Medium:, Oil on Canvas, Size 16 x 20" Price: "Priceless"

Call me for Dinner
Title: Call me for Dinner", 11 x 14", Oil on Canvas, Price: SOLD. This is my fourth dog painting. When I see a dog that has personality it calls to me to capture it. I have always loved dog, big and small. I get the same back from them! This pose was such a quite and peace full image I had to paint it.

A 11 inches by 14 inches oil on canvas. SOLD

A 8 inches by 8 inches oil on canvas Price: $500.00 USD.

Scary Spice
This weather has me totally confused. I don't ever remember this in my lifetime. Then again my memory is not all it used to be. If you don't know there are lots of feral cats in the neighborhood. Many sit outside my back door watching me paint. This one is "Scary Spice". One of the male ALPHA cats. Seems to be posing for me!
Title: Scary Spice, Size: 11 x14", Medium: Oil on Canvas, Price: $1500 USD